OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Outdoor light control

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  • #48496


    Is it possible to use sunrise/sunset along with a specific time? What I would like to do is to turn on my outdoor lights at sunset, and turn them off at 10pm. Then I would like to turn them back on at 4am and turn them off at sunrise. It looks like I can turn them on at sunset and off at sunrise with no problem, and I can turn them on at sunset and turn them off x hours later, but don’t see a way to use a fixed time along with the sunrise/sunset feature.



    I already asked this 1 or 2 years ago, but still not in the release.

    Would be nice to have.



    I’m using start time of dusk, and duration of six hours on one host. Not exactly what I want, but about the best that can be done.

    On my second setup, the schedule preview makes it look like OpenSprinkler thinks dusk is around 12:15 pm instead of something like 5:15. I’ve deleted and re added several times with always the same result.

    Location is set correctly and the pi’s timezone is correct.

    Looks like support has pretty much gone away for this stuff? I plan to take a look at the Java scripts to figure out what’s going on with the sunset confusion. Maybe I can add support for a sunset/sunrise based off time instead of a duration.



    I found that I must set the duration before the start time, if I want to use a Sunset or Sunrise start time, but DON’T want to use Sunset to Sunrise or Sunrise to Sunset duration.

    Otherwise, the hour, minute, second entries are disabled in the duration field and only Sunset to Sunrise or Sunrise to Sunset options are available for the duration.

    Seems like a bug, but an easy work-around once you know it.

    The UI code doesn’t seem that easy to modify to add fixed off time instead of a duration. I’ve haven’t give up, but my motivation went down quite a bit after figuring out the trick to get a program for a start of Sunset with six hours duration. Also, after spending several hours reviewing the app.js code…

    An alternative would be to write a trivial script that would update the station durations using the firmware api. The station durations would be based on the desired turn-off time and each day’s sunset (for what I want).

    But, I haven’t figured out what the UI code is doing to schedule the sun based times indefinitely. The script might have to be executed once a week.

    Samer, do you have any hints?

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Outdoor light control