OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Possible to add Adafruit LCD to OSPi?

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    I just built the OSPi and it is fantastic. I’m now looking at the Adafruit LCD display at I’m unsure if it’s possible to use both this display and the open sprinkler board with a single RasPi. I thought maybe it would be possible if using the extra tall stacking header – Can anyone confirm or deny this possibility? Thanks for your help.



    Looking more…

    The OSPi actually uses the 2-I2C/GPIO pins as I2C pins I think. If that’s the case, then It should be no problem to reuse those pins for the LCD since it’s a bus. I’m just learning all of this stuff but I think I have the right idea? 🙂 If anyone can confirm my understanding of the I2C pins that’d be great.



    Yes, if the LCD is based on i2C, then you can use it with OSPi. On OSPi 1.2, there are i2C pin headers on the right hand side of the PCB. You can use them to extend the funciontliaty of the board.



    Thanks, Ray. I will give this a shot. I’m definitely in new waters here. I will post back on this site if/when I get this accomplished.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions Possible to add Adafruit LCD to OSPi?