OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Power Requirement/Consumption & USB Port

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    I have an OpenSprinkler 2.3 DC. It has an Ethernet port, USB port and DC input besides the usual stuff. I am a bit confused about those ports, i.e.

    * What is the USB port for? The manual doesn’t have anything about this port.
    * The manual says “Power Consumption 1~1.5 Watt” but then for the current it says “Max Output Current …2A continuous per zone (DC). Even if you supply a low 5VDC this puts you to 10W. So where does this 1~1.5W figure come from?
    * If you have a 5V PSU and the unit pulls 2A will it still pull the same amperage when you have a 12V PSU?



    * The USB port is for firmware update
    * Power consumption refers to the controller’s power consumption at idle state — the controller draws about 200mA to 300mA, so that times 5V is 1 to 1.5 Watt. The maximum output current per zone refers to how much current it’s able to switch per zone. The total power consumption obviously increases depending on how many active zones you have because solenoids draw power as well. That is NOT included in the controller’s power consumption at idle state.
    * With respect to the controller’s power consumption, at 5V input voltage or 12V, the current draw is the same as the controller uses linear regulator.



    Keymaster, thanks a lot for the reply and the clear explanation. This is very helpful.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Power Requirement/Consumption & USB Port