OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Problem with changing section names and their configuration

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  • #81699


    Hello everyone, I haven’t been here for a long time 🙂

    As in the subject, I have a problem with changing section names and their configuration. The problem concerns Open sprinkler 2.4.49 firmware 2.2.1(1). Open sprinkler is installed on Raspberry pi4 B. After updating to the current version with OTC support, I can’t edit names or enter data regarding remote valves, section groups, etc. nothing is saved. The problem so far is with sections numbered 101 to 200. The device has not been mechanically damaged in any way. This particular sprinkler manages other open sprinklers over the network and nothing is connected to it except power and wifi. What could be the cause.



    What is firmware 2.4.49? That’s not an officially released firmware. Are you using the firmware by our German distributor Stefan? If so, please direct the question to their forum.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Problem with changing section names and their configuration