OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program Preview Crashes

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    I’ve upgraded my firmware to 1.8.3 and now “Preview” doesn’t work. It seems to crash it as it goes missing off the network for a while.
    Any ideas?



    What browser and operating system are you using? Since the preview is plotted in the browser, it shouldn’t cause the controller to crash.



    Windows 8.1 / Chrome

    I tested it again while watching the controller and it doesn’t crash, the browser just hangs and the preview never appears.

    It also hangs in IE.



    When you click on the ‘Programs’ button which will print out the list of programs, does the browser hang? If not, I think the issue is still browser compatibility — the ‘Preview’ uses certain features of HTML5 which may not be supported in all browsers. The other possibility is if the programs you set cause an excessive number of lines being plotted, that can cause the browser to hang. For example, a program that runs every minute can result in a large number of lines being plotted in preview. In any case you may want to reset the controller and start adding programs back one after another and check ‘Preview’ after adding each new program. This way you can pin-point the issue.



    Hi Ray, I removed all my programs and then added them 1 by 1. It failed when I added the 9th program. So I tried it again in a different order and once again it failed when I added the 9th program. It appears to be limited to 8 programs.



    Hmm, this is odd. You have firmware 1.8.3, right? I’ve tested 1.8.3 and I don’t think it’s limited to 8. Back to the question I asked earlier: when you click on the ‘Programs’ button which will print out the list of programs, does the browser hang? If not, it’s still likely to be a browser issue. The code for showing programs and previewing programs outputs the same data, except that they refer to different javascripts, one is to list the programs in a table form, the other is to render the programs in graphics form.



    Sorry I missed your question. Yes, clicking on the programs works fine. I see all my programs. The problem occurs when I click on preview. The browser just hangs like its waiting for a response. In chrome the loading icon turns slowly anti clockwise like its waiting for the web server to reply.

    And yes, my firmware is 1.8.3



    Is it possible for you to set up port forwarding so I can take a look? If not, can you send me the list of programs (or take a screen shot) so I can try to replicate your programs and check what causes the preview to hang?



    Yeah sure, I sent you a private message.



    I’m having this same problem: preview hangs up after 9th program is added. I’m using firmware 1.8.3 and it is the same with IE or chrome or safari. Did you find something that helped this?



    I’ve identified the source of the problem (Ethernet buffer overflow) and I will update the firmware shortly today. I know I’ve promised bedo2405 to fix this problem a few weeks ago but managed to forget …



    I’ve compiled a new firmware and it can be downloaded at:
    This should be able to fix the buffer overflow problem, and allow you to preview a large number of programs. Plesae follow the instructions about “Update a Precompied Firmware” to flash the new firmware to your controller:
    Basically you need to install USBtinyISP driver (only if you are using Windows), and avrdude program (or WinAVR if using Windows). Then run command:
    avrdude -c usbtiny -p m328p -F -U flash:w:firmware1.8.3_new.hex
    I didn’t change the firmware number, so your program data should be preserved.



    Thanks Ray, I’ll give it a go this weekend.



    The fix worked

    Thanks Ray

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program Preview Crashes