OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program preview vs log data discrepancy

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  • #67966


    I am using S01 as a fan control which is triggered by the PCF8591T connected to the sensor1 input. The input of the A/D D/A is connected to a temperature sensor. The S04 is connected to a pump which is programmed to run every 3 hours for 1 hour and repeat 8 times. When I vies the program preview it looks correct but the logs show that S04 will only run when S01 is not running. I have disabled the sequential mode for both S01 and S04. I am wondering why the S04 does not run according to the requested program schedule. I would submit this thru the support ticked but I do not have a purchase number since the item was given to me by my son as a fathers day gift. Thanks



    I have done more testing of the preview program function and log files. I find that what I program is correct in the preview program and when I physically monitor the stations running all is working according to my program. When I look at the log file it does not give a true representation of what is actually happening with the stations over time. Has anyone else used this function and found it to be working for them.



    I have one more item that does not seem to work – I can not clear logs.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Program preview vs log data discrepancy