OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Python Interval Program 2 year anniversary and a name change

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    Dan in CA


    Today, June 9 2015, marks 2 years since the initial release of the Python Interval Program.

    There have been a lot of improvements and some excellent contributions from users such as language translations for the UI.

    Most recently Christopher Bright contributed an update that allows for setting up a reverse proxy. An important tool for improving security.

    With the introduction of the Unified Firmware, it is sometimes hard to tell what software a post on this forum is referring to.

    To help eliminate some of the confusion and to better differentiate the Python program I am in the process of renaming my project from OSPi to SIP (Sustainable Irrigation Platform).
    The renamed software will be posted to Github within the next couple of days.
    According to the GitHub documentation access to the repository will continue to work as is even after the repo is renamed.

    There is even a new logo to go along with the name.

    The software and plugins will continue to be developed and improved under the new name with an emphasis on water conservation (and monetary savings).

    There are some interesting developments in the pipeline. For example, I have a working prototype of a sensor network that uses standard sprinkler cable and connects to the Pi via USB. I have tested it with 2 soil moisture sensors and a temperature sensor. Sensor readings are received without error even with 2 24V AC valves running on the same cable at the same time. The remote sensor node is based on an Arduino Micro and the unit can fit inside a section of 1.5 inch PVC pipe to make a weather proof enclosure.

    More on this later.




    Hello Dan…
    I have been following the development of OSPI. I am interested in trying your SIP application as soon as it becomes available on github. I presume the development and plugins continue to be written in Python? Do you have a manual available?
    Thanx…Richard in Oregon.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Python Interval Program 2 year anniversary and a name change