I purchased and installed an OpenSprinkler controller about a week ago. Set up a schedule and then made sure i am on the latest firmware version 2.2.1(1) (updated from 2.2.1). For “Weather Adjustment Method” i chose “Auto Rain Delay” after briefly experimenting with Eto and “California Restriction”, but the latter currently turned off (see screenshots)…
I was also able to get a program to trigger at its scheduled time last weekend.
However, earlier this week an auto rain delay happened and showed up in the logs and was displayed on the main page. This was several days ago and there is presently no auto rain delay active. It appears that programs with the “Use Weather Adjustment” do not get scheduled to run. (And I think they disappear from the preview at midnight the day they are supposed to run.)
I would have expected that “Use Weather Adjustment” in my setup just means that the auto rain delay function is active for this program, but I might be misunderstanding things. — Is there something else that this setting does that could prevent scheduled program from running?
Also, I confirmed that the correct local time is shown on the main page, and that the weather forecast displayed looks reasonable.