OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Rain Delay using old RainWise gauge

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    This is theoretical mostly, but here goes…

    Several years ago, I purchased an old, old, old RainWise “Weather Station” at a surplus auction for a whopping $1.00, yes, one denaro! It has a huge display with knobs and such… trashed that part… The outside “rooftop” unit has wind speed, wind direction, and a rain gauge. At one time, there was a temp, barometer, and humidity sensors as well, but the external temp sensor is missing and I dont really need the others right now.

    Here is the interesting part… the Rain Guage has a large bowl looking top that funnels down to a dual rocker cup. As one side fills, it teeters over to the other side. As it teeters over, a magnet underneath the cup causes a set of contacts to momentarily close. So, the pair is normally open, then momentarily closes indicating it is teetering over to dump the cup. I assume the amount that causes the cup to dump will be either one tenth or one hundredth of an inch. That should be easy enough to determine…

    My thought here was to connect it to an unused GPIO pin to measure rainfall, then possibly update the “Rain Delay” feature of OSpi. The amount of delay could be calculated based on the amount of rain received.

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?



    The rain gauge sounds exactly like the one on my Davis Vantage Pro weather station. Each tip of the bucket measures 0.01″.



    Have you integrated that into your OSPi setup? Or does your Davis still function?

    I have not tackled direct coding on the RPi, but, am very interested in giving this a go!



    My wireless Davis weather station is still doing front-line duty since I purchased it new in 2004.
    I just use my OS hardware. I see things I would like to change, but I don’t even think about programming. I already have too many sink-holes for my free time. I wish I did have the time and experience though!

    Good luck with your project.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Rain Delay using old RainWise gauge