OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Rainbird DV-100 valves and OpenSprinkler

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  • This topic has 9 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 5 months ago by zim.
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    I was just about to order opensprinkler unit but wasn’t sure which one to get.
    The valves that will be installed on our property are apparently “Rainbird DV-100′. Probably these:

    I ‘think’ the DC powered OpenSprinkler should be ok but I wanted to be sure

    Thanks very much



    Yes both AC-powered and DC-powered OpenSprinkler should work with this valve.



    awesome, thanks! Looking forward to become an opensprinkler fan-boy 🙂



    I have the DVF100 :

    Specs at the website say: 24 VAC 50/60Hz (cycles per second) solenoid power requirement: 0.450A inrush current, 0.25A holding current

    Which version did you go with?

    If both AC and DC work, is one “better” ? (DC appears to be slightly cheaper)




    I went with the ones in my link above which looks like the same link as yours.

    My experience has been FANTASTIC by the way. I have not yet had time to blog it but I plan to write up a quick blog about how Open Sprinker is awesome. It’s both simple (if you want) or very robust (if you want).

    Great work team! An epic open source story here.


    Tony Stuck

    Just chiming in here: I have over 70 of the DV-100s deployed on my farm, connected via two OS3.0 AC controllers (and expansion boards). ~60 of them have been in operation for over a year and have been flawless (all manifolds/values are in underground boxes in the field). Recently finished installing another 15 in my high tunnel on a second controller (manifold/valves mounted above ground), and have been great so far!

    I found that SprinklerWarehouse had the cheapest unit price, FWIW:



    That’s good to know. Thanks for sharing!



    I finally installed my OS3.0 DC-powered to replace an Orbit 57592 (12-station model, 5 in use).

    Only thing that gave me pause is that the Orbit didn’t have a rain sensor input, apparently they may have wired that in to the common bundle (hidden behind a drywall by a previous owner).

    So for now I have disabled the mechanical rain sensor, connected the 5x DVF wires to #1-5 and all appears to be working. Next is to start playing with the different rain algorithms which might(?) render a mechanical rain sense as meaningless anyway… along those lines, other than searching forum posts, is there a detailed FAQ to explain Zimmerman vs. ETO vs. ….. (even better with examples). Personally I don’t trust forecasts (they consistently seem to mis-predict rain for us).. but I would be perfectly content in reducing watering b/c the “back-cast” knows it rained last night….



    It’s relatively common to wire a rain sensor in series / inline on the COM wire. A typical rain sensor is normally closed, and it opens / breaks circuit when rain is detected. So when it’s put in series on the COM wire, it will break the circuit when rain is detected.



    Makes sense. Based on that explanation, the wiring for the rain sensor may be closer to the sensor vs. the controller… another project for a different weekend. (for now, I connected as-is.. and that is good enough to make it work 🙂 .. but long term I want to remove the physical rain sensor and start using the online logic)

    Also wanted to document for the sake of other potential users that OS3DC was a drop-in replacement for the Orbit 57592. Swap was very easy, biggest puzzle was realizing the rain sensor wasn’t directly connected to a pin on the Orbit, and finding the pinout for the 12-station version (most search results pointed to a different version)


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Rainbird DV-100 valves and OpenSprinkler