OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests request for enhancement — wireless remote integration for on and off


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  • #37132


    Former controller:  Hunter Industries Pro-C

    Current controller:  OSPi 2.2.36

    request:  integration of Hunter Industries (and remotes from other popular irrigation vendors) wireless remotes with OSPi to turn station(s) on and off manually.  Example:

    use case:  when doing hands on work with the sprinkler system delicate WiFi devices don’t last long when around dirt and water which are prevalent when working hands on with an irrigation system.  Installation, repairs, spring start-up, fall purging are examples of activities where remotes are a better choice.

    Implementation:  OSPi reads digital signal from Hunter Industries receiver and a) turn station on for some number of minutes or b) turns station off if it hasn’t already turner off.

    Oddity:  Hunter Industries remote receiver uses three (3) wires.  Two (2) for 24 V AC and one for (I suppose) a signal that (I suppose) is 5 V DC based on the receiver board chips.  It’s unclear to me where the signal is grounded because there’s no fourth (4) wire.

    Out of scope:  making a wireless transmitter and remote (because they’re already commercially available).




    Sorry, we have no plan to implement this, because those remotes are not open-source and we would have to reverse engineer the signals to find out their encoding patterns, In addition, if they change their encoding patterns you will have to redo everything again. This will be a fun DIY project, but we have no plan to integrate it into the standard firmwares.



    Thank you for the response.  Reverse engineering is hard work, it can be what differentiates products that lead their market vs. those that linger around.

    Without remotes a sprinkler controller won’t have mass market appeal for irrigation contractors and that’s the main sales channel for these controllers.

    I appreciate all the work done by you and the Open Source community for Open Sprinkler.




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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests request for enhancement — wireless remote integration for on and off