OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Request: Weather Adjustment Cutoff

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  • #40358


    I am currently using a WU station and a rain sensor with the Zimmerman method for adjustment. I would like an option to set a cutoff level. I.e., if the watering percentage drops below, say 20%, it will treat it as 0%. For me, it is just a waste if I’m running zones for just a few minutes. I’d rather not be turning my pump on and off that often.



    The firmware already cuts off at 10 seconds (i.e. if the adjusted water time is 10 seconds or below it converts it to 0). Do you want to set a cutoff based on the adjusted time, or the watering percentage? You could have a situation that the watering percentage is 20%, but the adjusted water time is still significant (more than a few minutes).



    I see what your saying. I guess I was just thinking percentage, since that is what’s already used. In my case 10 minutes makes more sense than 10 seconds, but I’m sure would be different for others.



    I see what your saying. I guess I was just thinking percentage, since that is what’s already used. In my case 10 minutes makes more sense than 10 seconds, but I’m sure would be different for others.

    Is there somewhere I can change the cutoff time? I’m not afraid of editing some code if I know where/how to do it.



    If you want to add a cutoff for the watering percentage, this is probably the best place:
    this is where the watering percentage received from the weather server is parsed and saved.

    If you want to add a cutoff for the actual water time, here is the best place:
    this is where the station’s water time is multiplied by the watering percentage, and scheduled into the work queue.


     if (prog.use_weather) {
                    byte wl = os.options[OPTION_WATER_PERCENTAGE];
                    water_time = water_time * wl / 100;
                    if (wl < 20 && water_time < 10) // if water_percentage is less than 20% and water_time is less than 10 seconds
                                                    // do not water

    So if I change “if (wl < 20 && water_time <10)” to “if (wl < 20 && water_time < 600)” that would make it not run if percentage was less than 20 AND less than 10 minutes (600 seconds)?



    That’s correct.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Request: Weather Adjustment Cutoff