OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Router Port Forwarding trouble

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    I’m using Firmware 2.1.5 (1) and hardware v 2.1.

    I am having a problem with my client router passing through to the main router. The OpenSprinkler does not show up on the main router as a connected device. The way my router works, the device must be connected in order to set up an IP reservation and then set up port forwarding.

    My main router is picking up the client router, but not my OpenSprinkler. Does anyone understand why?



    It sounds like your OpenSprinkler has a wifi router acting as a client to your main network. It also sounds like you have a double NAT situation instead of bridging the second device.

    If this is the case, you can proceed in one of two ways:

    1) Switch the “client router” into bridge mode, this will allow your main router to see OpenSprinkler.

    2) Forward the port to your “client router” and then also forward the port for OpenSprinkler on the client router. That means you have to perform the port forward twice (once on the main router and once on the client router).

    Hope that helps!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Which client router are you using? If you use the TP-Link travel router, make sure it’s set in ‘Client Mode’ and complete the setup process. Not completing the Client Mode setup process is often the cause of it not letting the device to pass through it.



    Thanks for the help both of you. I ended up just getting google WiFi and using a different router in bridge mode. It works as expected now.

    I think the TP-Link routers that are recommended with the OpenSprinkler are garbage. If you have another option, use something else.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Router Port Forwarding trouble