so i have an rpi 4 with opensprinkler. all working well. I soldered a little 5v fan to the opensprinkler board, the top right pin lableled 5V and then two down from there the GND. but the fan doesn’t come on. fan comes on fine when using equivalent pins direct from raspberry pi board (when it isn’t connected to opensprinkler).
So is there anything special i need to do on the OS level to enable the pins on the opensprinkler board? I disable the pi user so a different user is running opensprinkler but zones etc come on so figured these pins (esp voltage and gnd) would be be on.
Maybe use a multimeter to check the voltage between 5V and GND first? Note that that 5V is derived from OSPi, so depending on how much current the fan draws, it may exceed the capability of OSPi’s 5V output current. In that case you should additionally plug in a microUSB cable (connected to a USB charger) to RPi. This will provide additional power to the 5V line.
Thanks. Yea being a pi 4 and I’m using wifi I already had the pis power connected with the opensprinkler transformer.
Confirmed with multimeter 0v is there.
I’ll try running the opensprinkler program as pi user. Maybe that fixes something.
I had just ordered new board causf my prior was doing same and thought maybe I messed it up on assembly.
But I am using same configured rpi so maybe its software side.
ugh. now its not booting. i had unplugged rpi power to test it was actually powering and not just the ospi transformer. something must’ve shorted cause now that is the only power going to board. transformer alone does nothing to light up board. and i used multimeter to confirm it is working. board just won’t boot now.
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