OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) RS and RL on different Rpi GPIO’s

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    Hey there,

    I’m using an old OpenSprinkler Beagle Board with a Rpi B v2, and it works ok. However, I installed on the same Rpi another app (EMON CMS) adapted for monitoring temperatures wireless. The problem is, OpenSprinkler is using GPIO14 and 15 for the rain sensor and relay (Old version) and I need the pins for serial Rx/Tx. There is no connection between the OpenSprinkler RS and RL pins and Rpi, but I suspect OpenSprinkler settings for those pins creates the error I have when trying to use /dev/ttyAMA0.

    Where and how I should change OpenSprinkler files to avoid the use of GPIO 14 and 15 for OSPI?




    These pins are defines in ‘defines.h’. You can change them to some other GPIO pins, to free up GPIO 14 and 15.



    Thanks a lot! Just to leave it here, for others dealing with serial dev/ttyAMA0 problems when installing OpenSprinkler and another app using serial GPIO’s 14 and 15: even after recompiling OSPi with the new GPIO asignement, serial port refused to work. After a lot of trial and error I have discovered that ssh was the culprit. Not good at Linux, do not understand why, but once ssh was disabled everything worked ok. (My setup is EmonCMS and OS on the same RPi)
    Be well!

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) RS and RL on different Rpi GPIO’s