OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Split Zone Duration

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  • #51073


    Please forgive me if this had been asked or is already present. I’m looking at this as an option for my yard and one option I’d like to use for program is the following:
    Set a maximum timelimit for any one zone to be active before rotating to the next zone in the program.

    For instance I’d like to have each zone run for 15 minutes but no more than 5 minutes at a time. Run zone 1 for 5 minutes, zone 2 for 5 minutes, some 3 for 5 minutes, back to zone 1,2,3 and finally once again. This helps to keep any single zone from becoming overly saturated.



    This sounds like the ‘cycle and soak’ feature available in some sprinkler controllers. While we don’t support automatic cycle and soak, you can do so manually but making use of the ‘repeating’ feature of a program. For example, if you want each zone in a program to water a total of 1 hour each, but you don’t want each zone to water more than 15 minutes at a time, you can set each zone to water 15 minutes and set the program to repeat 4 times.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Split Zone Duration