I have a Latching OS-dc running the latest firmware. Having just started a new irrigation season this week, I have a new setup and layout.
I currently have three stations connected and 2 programs running a single station each, the third station is currently manually triggered via the run once procedure.
All stations are setup non sequentially because two stations are running off two different pumps.
The issue I am seeing is running a 2-3hour run-once program on one station overlapping a programmed 1 minute run on another station, when the 1 min run is finished it turns off both stations.
This has happened 3-4 times in the last 2 days.
I have just now programmed the 3-4 hour run to start automatically to see if the situation re-occurs.
Is this the way it is suppose to run, ie turning off a manual run-once program when a scheduled program is set to run? Remembering both stations are set to non-sequential?
A quick follow up to this issue.
Since running both stations on separate programs, I still get the same issue, when the1minute run turns off, it turns off both the 1 minute and the 4 hr run stations.
I have checked wiring twice, unchecked all sequential boxes. The odd thing is that the 4 hr program is still shown on the gui as running, which to me points towards a hardware issue??