OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Suggestion future developments

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  • #34625


    Dear Ray,

    I observed interesting future developments at you website (after version 2.1.0)

    For example control of fans lightning etc

     Maybe it also nice to send an e-mail out when a valve starts and stops

    In this moment I’m using for light control outside my house the Edimax plug SP-1101W

    Very good product, the only disadvantage is that this plug has only a smartphone interface and no web interface and no sun rise and sun set control, resulting in monthly switch on/off time adjustments

    For each plug, I’ve 6 plugs

    The SP 1101W sends e-mail out by switching on and switching off, as I traveling frequently a big benefit

    In the future I like to control the lights trough the Opensprinker equipment.


    Thanks in advance considering my suggestions




    In regard to the web interface you are welcome to navigate to directly. This is the equivalent of the mobile application and has full feature support.

    Thanks for the feedback!





    Thanks for your advice, works well, more easier than connection through Dyndns and port by web browser

    Is it porsible to send an e-mail out when a watering valve starts and stops?

    Referring to my previous mail the web interface comment was related to the EDIMAX wireles plug




    @Andrew: I just want to briefly mention that the first support for using OpenSprinkler to control radio frequency (RF) wireless power socket has been added to the upcoming firmware 2.1.1. I’ve recently released the RFtoy gadget:
    part of the purpose of this gadget is for users to easily obtain the wireless control code of these power sockets, then OpenSprinkler can simulate the remote to turn on / off these sockets.

    Note that RF wireless sockets (typically 433MHz) are different from WiFi power sockets in that they are not WiFi based. On the plus side, RF sockets are much cheaper and widely available.



    @ Ray, Thank you very much for your comprehensive information


    Hiouchi John

    Can you please add in the ability to use sensors (wired or wireless) ? Specifically moister sensors. As well as temp, humidity, light. + data logging





    Adding sensor control is often easily said than done. Because there are many different types of sensors, their outputs vary significantly, and there are different ways to determine how each sensor should affect the sprinkler programs, it’s hard to have a one for all solution. If you have a specific sensor in mind, it’s not too hard to wire it to OpenSprinkler, and modify the code to add custom control tailored to your specific application. Part of the reason OpenSprinkler is open-source is to give users the flexibility to customize.



    Newbee here. After a few days with a OSbb and an RFtoy in hand, I have a few suggestions.

    The first is to add forum sections for the new products such as the RFtoy and the ESPtoy.

    One of the first sections of the RFtoy forum would be a place to generate a list of captured codes for devices. It would be constantly updated by postings of people on the forum. It would be listed by frequency (if known) and Manufacturer model number. The frequency can be determined by the FCC ID number printed on any transmitting device and can be looked up on line.

    My second suggestion would be for a future circuit board update that would include PC board pads that would match “Grove” connectors for adding sensors of various type and perhaps use one for the RF transmitter connection. Also cut a few slots in the top of the cover for sensor wires to go thru.





    This site is predominantly for OpenSprinkler and RFToy is not sold on this site. has a forum for both RFtoy and ESPtoy. You can find it here:



    Thanks, I didn’t know about that bulletin board. I have added to my bookmarks.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Suggestion future developments