OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Sunrise/Sunset errors

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  • #34235


    I just upgraded my OS 2.1h/w to firmware 2.1.0 and then set my location as Howard Springs (the field changed green) set the time to NTP and checked it was correct. The weather and temp icon seem ok but my sunrise and sunset times are hours out, what error or omission am I guilty of?



    Howard Springs in California, Tennessee, or Australia?



    Howard Springs Australia



    While I haven’t figured out a solution, I did find out the cause of the issue: the Wunderground result for Howard Springs, Australia contains a time zone name ‘AU3A’ that’s non-standard. Our script uses Python’s time zone library to decode the time zone name, and I think it doesn’t recognize AU3A. In contrast, Sydney, Australia’s time zone name is ‘Australia/Sydney’, which can be recognized by Python. I am still looking to see a solution. In the meantime, you may want to try a few nearby locations to you and see if any works for you.



    So it looks like your closest personal weather station (PWS) is pws:INORTHER38. You can set this as the location and it should return the correct time zone and sunrise/sunset times.

    In general, you can type in your city in and click on ‘Change Station’ underneath the city name. There it shows a list of the nearby PWS stations. The first one is usually the closest. The name at the end (in parentheses) is the id. You can then use pws: followed by the id as the location name.



    Thanks for that.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Sunrise/Sunset errors