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  • #34771


    I miss the notifications and unread option that used to show in tapatalk before the forum move. Are those features possible with the new forum?



    I had to build my own integration with tapatalk and very happy we have what we got now. The forum didn’t even handle read/unread at all nor did it have a working timeline view in tapatalk.

    With all that said, the unread page is not possible to add (I’ve tried). The notifications I’m not aware of but I personally have been using the forums subscriptions to notify me via email.



    Well, thought I would at least mention it. Thanks for the hard work trying to get it working at all.



    Tapatalk sure seems lost right now. . .their updates have been horrible recently.

    Well, irrigation just turned on this week, so I finally got to updating my OS to 2.1.3.  Now I need to figure out how to modify my http API settings to use the hash.  I am trying to figure out how the hash is better than the password??  If you have to pass it with every command in clear text (and someone can still capture and replay the command using the now known hash.  Am I missing something?  Did I miss https getting added?



    The hash offers little protection and once captured can be used as the password but the idea is to prevent other sites the user might use the password on by preventing the clear text version from being seen.

    The Arduino is not capable of SSL hence why other solutions are being attempted.

    The app does use SSL and encryption for cloud sync which is a new app feature.

    Tapatalk is really getting worse in my opinion and sinking more time it isn’t justified. With that said, I use tapatalk for all my mobile forum needs and don’t have any particular issues since I’m still using the email for alerts.

    Hope this helps.



    Ok, glad I wasn’t lost on the hash issue.  Hides password from plain sight, but doesn’t prevent unauthorized access if any traffic captured.

    Unfortunate on SSL front.  Not sure how the app using SSL really helps if the communication to the device itself can’t be encrypted.

    Yes, I make Tapatalk work but their “nice looking” attempt made it so much harder to use for important stuff. . .alerts and followed threads.



    Yes you are absolutely correct regarding the stolen hash being usable as the password, which isn’t ideal. I wanted to get a quick fix out there to prevent clear text password but of course we have a ways to go to improve security. We actually have a full implementation strategy for fixing this and hope to have it out in a reasonable time range.

    To explain what I meant regarding SSL and why it is in fact useful: The app added a cloud sync which syncs your entire site database on each device to the cloud. This never communicates with the device hence why it is SSL end-to-end during communication. The SSL is used to encrypt the data in motion to our server however before that occurs, the app will encrypt the data using an AES block cipher against your account password that’s properly salted and encryption started with a unique initialization vector. As a result, the site data is secure when it is in rest on our server.

    Thank you for your understanding.



    Glad to know the config backup is secure and that there are plans in place.  As long as we can only communication with the OS (non pi) without encryption, opening access to OS remotely will be a big risk.




    Looks like sprinkler season is about to start here in southern Sweden and that make it time for me to keep up with all the new features of OpenSprinkler Pi.

    Just love the new forum and website. Fantastic work!

    What is the situation on Tapatalk? I can’t find OpenSprinkler when searching in Tapatalk. Is it just me or like that for everyone?




    Welcome back Zapp,

    Thanks for the feedback and regarding Tapatalk it is working however I just tried to search and couldn’t find it. I have submitted a ticket to Tapatalk to see why the issue might be occurring.




    Nice to hear from you again, been some time since I touched base here.

    While I’m at it, how about a Thanks button in the forum?




    Welcome back Zapp,

    Thanks for the feedback and regarding Tapatalk it is working however I just tried to search and couldn’t find it. I have submitted a ticket to Tapatalk to see why the issue might be occurring.


    Update: Managed to find opensprinkler in tapatalk today, connected and typing this.




    I can also confirm we are found when searched on tapatalk. Not sure what was going on but I enabled and then disabled incognito mode on our forum. Seems to have done the trick.

    Update: it was a tapatalk outage. A representative got in touch with me today to let me know a majority of the forums were not searchable for a 48 hour period.



    I was able to find opensprinkler, and sign in last week. But now, I just get unable to connect errors.



    Chad this should be resolved now. Had to update the forum URL in tapatalk settings. Let me know if you are still having the issue.




    Had to delete, and search again for it, but works now. Thanks! 😁

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