OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware “The request was too large” error until restart

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  • #79639


    Rebuilding my Pi system (flamed triacs, new hardware needed). Built new Pi os – Debian 12/bookworm. Compiled OSPi – 2.4.0, firmware 2.2.0 (5). On system boot, cannot connect with the app, and web access reports “The request was too large”. If I restart OSPi with the shell script, all works as expected. journalctl shows nothing obvious to me.

    Suggestions welcomed!



    If you try to access:
    do you get the same error? The demo runs firmware 2.2.1(0) currently. The request too large error is usually due to the request header larger than the buffer size. This shouldn’t happen unless if you have a firewall or proxy that inserts additional data to the header.



    I have also run into the same issue.
    Starting with a fresh install i can see the webpage on port 8080 but as soon as i reboot, i get “The request was too large” in the browser window.
    I have no issues in seeing the website on the above demo.



    Same issue here. I opened an issue on the official GitHub page.



    We are able to reproduce the issue so we are working on fixing it right now.


    Tony Stuck

    The request too large error is usually due to the request header larger than the buffer size. This shouldn’t happen unless if you have a firewall or proxy that inserts additional data to the header.

    Yeah, for what it’s worth, I’ve run into this also, but it’s because I expose my OpenSprinkler web UI via Cloudflare Tunnels and put Cloudflare Access in front of it, so the world can’t see. CF Access drops a few authorization cookies (just shy of 1600 bytes) which get forwarded to the OpenSprinkler server, and it sounds like that’s too much for the buffer?

    I ended up running an nginx proxy on the machine that runs my Cloudflare Tunnel to cut out the CF cookies before sending the requests to my OpenSprinkler controllers. If you’re increasing the buffer size to be able to handle this, that’d be convenient 🙂



    We plan to address this in the next version of OTF library. Currently the incoming request is read into a 2K buffer, which is more than sufficient for most requests. Of course if Cloudflare adds a lot of extra header it can quickly exceeds the buffer size, we just didn’t know it could be a very large buffer.



    I am now getting the same issue with cloudflare. Has the problem been fixed in the OTF library?



    @km9830, please be more specific. How are you accessing the controller, what error messages are you getting. Are you able to go to:
    and see the interface there? There are several different scenarios discussed above, just saying ‘getting the same issue’ doesn’t give us enough details to help you diagnose.



    1. I am trying to do a cloudflare zero trust tunnel to my open sprinkler.

    2. I have successfully used the same cloudflare tunnel on two different applications: Home Assistant and Frigate. I am now trying to add OpenSprinkler.

    3. When I try to connect up to the opensprinkler app using cloudflare, I think I can reach my opensprinker controller. But I get "The request was too large" on a single line. It looks as if the message is coming from my controller. See if screen capture works: screen

    4. Without using cloudflare, I can connect up successfully with a browser using a local IP address 192.168.xx.xx to the controller, past the log in and use the controller successfully through the browser.

    5. I can connect up to the successfully to the login screen.

    Thanks so much for responding. Other things are working well.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware “The request was too large” error until restart