OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Unable to connect on One android device

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  • #35748

    Jason De Beer

    I am using OS successfully (using port forwarding on router) from one apple and one android device, however am unable to get it working at all on one other Android device? All settings are the same, and will connect on local network using wifi but not through 3G connection using same public Ip as on other 2 devices. Also cannot connect using browser. The connection is also intermittent on other 2 devices, sometimes takes 3 x attempts to connect, also get lots of network errors in app and browser? Any advice?



    Are you trying to access OpenSprinkler from all three devices at once? Try to close the browser on the first Android device, and try one device at a time, see if this helps. Because OpenSprinkler runs an Arduino-based embedded server, it’s far less powerful than a Linux computer at handling simultaneous requests.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Unable to connect on One android device