Hi All,
Not sure if everyone else is a bit more clued in than me, almost certainly so. However understanding how location works in the weather script is not clear to me.
To begin with these instruction are excellent for getting setup and going:
Where I lose clarity is on step 7.
It was easy to put in the URL: http://<Weather Service IP:PORT>/weather1.py?loc=50,1&wto=”h”:100,”t”:100,”r”:100,”bh”:70,”bt”:59,”br”:0
and get this or something like it:
I assumed that the parameter loc=50,1 in the example was controlling the location but a support ticket asking was sharply closed, so I must be wrong there.
Hence I apologise again for not getting the simplest thing but how does the weather service know what location to use? Does it get it from the value set through the primary OpenSprinkler UI and what does this loc parameter mean?
I have tried changing the location in the UI and tried the call again but as yet (10 minutes) not seen meaningful delta. In doing this I tried setting it from Sydney in Australia (winter) to Austin Tx(summer) and am looking for the obvious temperature change.
I have also tried putting OpenWeatherMap CityID;s in but these return an error.