OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unified 2.17 (with mod) Working on Beaglebone!

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  • #47636


    For others that may want to update their OSBo (or build an OSBo from PCBs like I’m doing), was able to mod 2.17 and get it working on a Beaglebone Green BBG (w/ integrated WiFi):

    This was the steps:
    1. Get BBG working on wifi per instructions
    2. Get SSH to BBG per online instructions
    2. Change the default Apache2 port from 8080 to something else (I chose 8081) so that it won’t conflict with OS which uses 8080. In /etc/apache2/ports.conf, change Listen 8080 to something else. I changed it to Listen 8081.
    3. From SSH prompt, pull latest OS (2.1.7) unified firmware folder from github
    cd ~
    git clone
    4. Navigate to the OpenSprinklerGen2 folder and edit the file defines.h
    • At line 418 (under OSBO_HW_VERSION_BASE section), there is a #define PIN_FREE_LIST statement
    • Edit the line to have an empty (nothing within Brackets) like this
    #define PIN_FREE_LIST {}
    6. Navigate to the OpenSprinklerGen2 folder and run the build script with OSBO option
    cd OpenSprinklerGen2
    sudo ./ osbo
    7. Restart the BBG
    8. From a web browser, point to the BBG IP address, port 8080
    e.g., from the Ethernet over USB interface-
    9. You should now see the OS login screen!



    Thanks for the instructions. The PIN_FREE_LIST fix has actually been integrated into the latest firmware code:

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Unified 2.17 (with mod) Working on Beaglebone!