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  • #35320


    Aloha can’t update.tried zadig shows only unkown device.downloaded libusb form source forge , first try shows unknown device,second try shows usb tiny device, click says driver installed,back to os updater no device detected,try selecting ver 2.0 from dropdown,select latest firmware and nothing  but failed.failed detection failed download.Updater worked fine previously.Any help thanks RWP



    First, plug in USB cable to OpenSprinkler, and go to your Device Manager to see if there is a USBtinyISP device (assuming you have OpenSprinkler 2.0 as you described), or any unknown device. Next, if Zadig doesn’t work, you can directly install the USBtinyISp driver:



    My version 2.0 open sprinkler is now blank.No display.This is the sequence .downloaded the latest osFW updater zip and the zadig zip used univeral extracter to unzip.Plug  open sprinkler into windows 7 pro pc  usb port.Display lights up.Windows message device not os updater  click detect device get failed.Download firmware successfull.Tried manually select device 2.0 and upload  firmware and get failed.Next I removed all earlier usb tiny and os updater downloads and started over.downloaded zips for updater and usbtiny from your links.unzipped with windows explorer and this time was promted to unzip extra files in folders.  pluged in controller to usb , opened os updater, download firmware successful,detect device worked version 2.0,clicked upload and screen went blank and never came on again.Tried to put controller back on valves,nothing.Plug controller back in to pc no display but get windows unknown device message and in device manager shows unknown device.What next?Previous updates worked fine.I have thirty plus valves in adesert climate and need to fix this.thanks rwp



    Update firmware on OS2.0 takes quite a while (often up to several minutes), so make sure you keep it plugged in until the update completes. I have no idea why after update it shows up as unknown device again — maybe try a different USB port, or perhaps it’s the problem with the USB cable?



    plugged the now no display controller into alternate usb port.device manager shows libusb-win32 devices

    -usb tinySPI.Properties says this device is working properly.details say not digitaly signed.driver up to date.When I plug the controller in I get unknown device but if I do the b2 release I see usb tiny in device manager but no wizard no  promt to install.Try os  updater but only  fail to detect and fail to upload.Tried zadig again installed and went through the prompts.checked libusb-win32 (v1.2.6.0) selected usbtinySPI from options menu [show all devices] clicked install[did this three times]Opened osFW updater files- navigated to windows to osFW updater- opened and then download firmware successful–detect device failed–upoload firmware failed.This is definately a 2.0 controller green plug.updater say check log text for details but I don’t know where that is.any hope here? thanks rwp I would  reset to factory if possible to solve this.

    The last tries I get an error code in device manager in usb tiny #10 and one time #43.I going to try on my laptop.



    If this is 2.0 you should not need to press and button like B2.

    log.txt is in the folder where you unpacked osFWUpdater.

    If zadig shows USBtinyISP then it means it has detected your device, What does Windows Device Manager say? Does it show as unknown device or does it show as libusb-win32?



    zadig shows USBtinyISP and device manager shows libusb-win32 devices  and USBtinyISP .If i plug the controller into the pc  device manager shows unknown device.I unplug and unknown device goes away.Even though it’s a 2.0 controller if I replug it in with the b2 it shows up as libusb-win32-USBtinyISP  in device manager. It fails to update and no longer works at all when connected to the valves and  tplink and 24v power supply.Its never been connected to anything but the usb on the pc and it’s connections to valves,tplink and 24v power.The device manager has  returned the following–before trying to update”this device is working properly”windows has determined that the software is up to date USBtinySPI”under properties it shows signed driver provided libusb-win32.Next with the usbtiny recognized I try to update and get failed detect failed upload.Going back to device manager sometimes it says this device is working properly and twice had an error message code 10 once and code 43 once.



    Aloha  from the log










    aloha from the log















    You said “Even though it’s a 2.0 controller if I replug it in with the b2 it shows up as libusb-win32-USBtinyISP in device manager” — I really have no idea and cannot explain this at all — if it’s 2.0 you don’t need to press b2; the only version that needs pressing b2 is OpenSprinkler 2.1

    I also don’t understand when you said ‘zadig shows USBtinyISP and device manager shows libusb-win32 devices and USBtinyISP .If i plug the controller into the pc device manager shows unknown device’ — did you actually finish installing zadig driver or did you just see it’s listed there and didn’t complete the installation?



    It occurred to me that perhaps the issue is because you have both Zadig and Adafruit’s USBintyISP driver installed at the same time? I’ve never tried installed both at the same time, but that might be the source of problem. I suggest uninstall one of them if you have both installed.



    Another way to update firmware is to do it in command line:

    Step 1. Install WinAVR:
    Step 2. Open a command line window, cd to where your osFWUpdater is, and cd further to Firmwares\OpenSprinkler_v2.0
    Step 3. Run command
    avrdude -c usbtiny -p m644p -F -B 1 -U flash:w:firmware2.1.2.hex

    Of course the pre-assumption is that the device has to show up as USBtiny (or USBtinySPI) in Windows — if it shows up as unknown, it won’t work.



    thanks for your time. I deleted the usb tiny files  and have zadig installed and showing usbtiny in devicemanager but all attempts on the updater show fail.

    All the prior updates I did the controller display would light up when plugged in to usb but now no display.the log shows the same yikes.I started to try from the command promt but not clear on how.I would need more exact instructions.I installed winavr,opened the windows command prompt and tried to cd but don’t really know how. Device signature = 0x000000avrdude: Yikes! is the controller recoverable from this. thanks rwp



    aloha ray I do have the linux mint opensprinkler virtual box  on my pc.When I run it with the controller attached it recognizes it once and loads a driver but gives an error message about being busy with something previous.A few minutes later back to unknown device.



    “Device signature = 0x000000” often occurs when the USBtinyISP programmer fails to communicate with the microcontroller properly. This could be because the fuse bits have been changed for some unknown reason. Given the situation, I think the best solution is for you to mail it back to us so we can check the issue for you. You can send an email to to arrange for return.

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