OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Up the creek with another burned up pump.

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  • #79563

    Bill Thurston

    Sometimes our pump loses its prime from leaks or a leaky foot valve (we live in a very earthquake prone area). Was thinking of using a Low Pressure Shut Off Switch ( which has a 5psi cutout pressure to use on the main manifold. The NC/NO switch would be wired to the Sensor S1 or S2 and Sensor type: Rain? If this previous is correct, where do I add a time delay (10-30 sec) on the Master Pump to allow for the pressure to build above 5psi? If its in the Opensprinkler.cpp file I might need a line number… Also, if the Rain sensor cancels the job, does it run the next time/day – or issue an alert?
    Thank you, Bill



    Bill, I run 3 of the OS here at the nursery. I had the same issue as you. I am using reservoirs and if they run dry, my pump would run for hours. I have installed low pressure switches on all of my irrigation pumps at the nursery. If they trip, I do have to manually reset them but it saves an expensive pump.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Up the creek with another burned up pump.