OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Upload data to custom website

  • This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Ray.
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    would it be possible to push data regarding configuration, watering time, flow sensor data, etc? and if so, what happens with updates to the firmware? are this mods lost?




    To clarify: do you mean push data from OpenSprinkler to another website, or push data from another website to OpenSprinkler? I guess I don’t quite understand your question. Does this have anything to do with the cloud sync feature?

    Note that OpenSprinkler stores all settings and log data internally in its EEPROM or SD card. It does not rely on cloud server to store any of these data.



    I would like to send data form OS to a site that I am working on, just so I have more control over the data…. plus I will have other information such as temp and humidity so I would like to have data regarding when each station started, at what time, flow data, and the Water adjustment used.

    BTW, thanks for the other responses too!




    There are several options, depending on how this ‘site’ you are referring to accepts incoming data. For example, if it provides an HTTP GET command to receive data, you can easily modify OpenSprinkler firmware to send HTTP GET command. There are several examples in the firmware already doing so (for example, to call weather script, to trigger remote stations, it uses HTTP GET command).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Upload data to custom website