Just got my OpenSprinkler 3.0! I also have a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Distance Measuring Sensor Module and an Arduino UNO. Unfortunately, I’ve got zero programming experience.
So with that in mind, does anyone have a nearly exact guide on how to use a water level sensor in a tank to control the amount of water pumped to each zone?
Should I just hire a programmer to set this up for me? I’m in Austin, TX if you’ve got recommendations… Or does this sound like an achievable goal from scratch?
P.S. – I will also need help setting up and using data WeatherUnderground or Netatmo inputs into my soil-water balance I currently have in excel format. I guess I should make this calculation in Python, or Java, or VBS, or HTML, other? …if you can’t tell I don’t have a clue where I should even start. Any suggestions on the best guide on how to set that up?