OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App using app from windows store on windows 10 PC

  • This topic has 6 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years ago by rwp.
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  • #74573


    windows store app is ver. on my android phone it’s 2.2.5 . Is the windows app made to work properly on a PC or only mobile devices? connects fine to synced devices in managed sites but not connecting to lan addresses only wans.curious if there is a better version for pc. thnaks for any help. rwp



    Why not access the controller directly using a browser? The windows app has not been updated for a long time. There is really no need to use the windows app.



    Have been directly using my browser which is ok. I do like the feature of managed sites. My eight controllers accessible from one page. when using a browser I can log in to my account but no path from the sidebar button to managed sites. the menu starts with export configuration. Am I missing something? thanks. rwp



    You can bookmark each controller in the browser.

    The other way is to go to:
    and add all your controllers. This allows you to switch between sites.



    using offers the managed sites side bar option.on the mobile ap I keep a connection via lan and wan for each controller and from the managed sites side bar can connect either way. all the connect buttons are green. when using the only the wan adresses are green the lan ips are red.tried adding again manually via PC and adding again via mobile app then syncing but same result.error message is uable to connect.If I type the ips directly into a browser connects instantly.thanks for any insight. rwp



    What browser are you using? If you use Chrome, that’s likely to force http to become https, and as a result it doesn’t work with local IPs due to mixed content. You can try Firefox or Safari which doesn’t force https.

    If you have OpenSprinkler 3.x you may want to upgrade your firmware to firmware 2.2.0 (we haven’t officially released it yet but it’s going to be officially released very quickly). With firmware 2.2.0, remote control can be done through OTC token and secure OpenThings cloud server, so that way would work fine with it.



    Tried 3 browsers. opera,chrome,firefox. at -logging in or adding stations manually. still get unable to connect to lan. I am trying the 2.2.0 firmware and otc next.everything is address reservationed and port forwarded.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App using app from windows store on windows 10 PC