OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Using OSPI as a Pool Chemistry Monitor

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    I’ve been shopping around and collecting thoughts and parts lists to assemble an RPi Data Logger for Pool Chemistry (namely pH, Oxidation Reduction Potential, Temperature, ambient Temperature, maybe sunlight exposure.) I’m lovin’ the OSPI platform with the 24VAC -> 5VDC conversion, Real Time Clock, triacs (in case I actually want to control pumps, valves, etc.), enclosure, and now four Analog inputs (and an output). I’ve seen similar projects for the Arduino that are less palatable–as I prefer the power of a full OS, WiFi, remote login, web server, programming languages, and the massive community support around Linux.

    Sensors abound for pH and ORP, as well as temperature probes, light, and digital temperature chips. I think the OSPI platform is the perfect starting point for this integration–removing much of the trial and error design and testing for A-to-D converters, RTCs, 24VAC->5DC transformers with enough power for WiFi, etc.

    My goal at first would be to integrate it into Xively to data log to the cloud via WiFi… so I can chart and monitor by the Xively mobile app (and maybe send an alert notification when I need to add salt, shock, acid, stabilizer, etc.)

    I think this would be a great project and generate a lot of interest for spa and pool owners the world over… and perhaps branch out to other water-chemistry monitoring (fish tanks: salt water and fresh water, etc.) Could this be a new branch of Ray’s and the OpenSprinkler Community’s awesome work?




    I think this would be a cool project if you could provide suggested modules to attach to the Raspberry Pi + OSPi. I know I would be interested in this but I know nothing about the various hardware used to accomplish what you are suggesting nor do I know how I would hook them up.

    Is this something that would make managing a pool easier? Or just a way to give you extra information? If so, how?

    I think if you can find a way to make some instructions and get the hardware working properly I would be open to making a mobile front-end for it.




    My goal for version 1 is to simply automate the monitoring of my pool’s chemistry over time (mine is a saltwater pool and spa).
    Basically I want to be proactive and forewarned rather than my current reactive approach to pool chemistry
    management (wait until my wife tells me there’s algae growing :-). If there was a constant data feed (say, to Xively),
    then I could better predict when levels call for manual intervention (add salt, add stabilizer, add acid, etc.)
    I’m not sure about the alerts or chart color variation available from Xively, but it would be cool to color the
    charts green, yellow, orange, and red based on intervention required (green = all good; yellow = you have two weeks to do something;
    orange = one week to do something; red = you are too late, don’t go swimming until you’re back to green!)

    Here are some notes and links that I’ve collected so far:

    I think OSPi would give me a fast start–all I’d need are the following:

    • 1 Raspberry Pi Rev B 512MB board (’cause its the latest!)
    • 1 WiFi USB dongle
    • 1 OpenSprinklerPi v1.2 board (need those 4 A/D channels)
    • 1 ORP sensor probe
    • 1 pH sensor probe
      just the analog probes, no interface cards required as they’ll connect directly to the OSPi A/D solder points
    • 1 temperature sensor probe (likely analog to connect to an A/D port like the other probes)
    • 1 ambient temperature sensor (preferably digital in the box (maybe) so I don’t have to use an A/D port)
    • 1 “sunlight” phot cell sensor (optional later integration, preferably digital so I don’t have to use an A/D port)
    • 1 probe container or something to harness the three probes together for constant immersion in the pool water
    • 3 BNC connectors to mount on the box to interface to the analog sensors
    • For power, I would connect to my existing 24VAC feed going into my pool light controller


    Ordered my RPi this morning from with free shipping, complete with an 8GB Class 10 SDHC Flash Memory Card and a WiFi USB adapter with high-gain antenna (same as the Adafruit one, but $10 less from China).

    The shopping list now looks like the following (bold = purchased):

    • 1 OpenSprinklerPi v1.2 board (need those 4 A/D channels)
    • 1 ORP sensor probe
    • 1 pH sensor probe
      just the analog probes, no interface cards required as they’ll connect through the BNC connectors to the OSPi A/D solder points
    • 1 temperature sensor probe (likely analog to connect to an A/D port like the other probes)
    • 1 ambient temperature sensor (preferably digital in the box (maybe) so I don’t have to use an A/D port)
    • 1 “sunlight” phot cell sensor (optional later integration, preferably digital so I don’t have to use an A/D port)
    • 1 probe container or something to harness the three probes together for constant immersion in the pool water
    • 3 BNC connectors to mount on the box to interface to the analog sensors
    • 1 account for data collection in the cloud and charting on my tablet
    • 1 Raspberry Pi Rev B 512MB board (’cause its the latest!)
    • 1 8GB Class 10 SDHC Flash Memory Card
    • 1 WiFi USB dongle
    • 1 USB Keyboard with built-in USB hub (already have plenty of these)
    • 1 USB Mouse (already have)
    • 1 Monitor w/HDMI input (already have)
    • 1 WiFi access point with internet connection (already have)
    • For power, I would connect to my existing 24VAC feed going into my pool light controller

    I need a name for the project… any ideas? OpenWaterMonitorPi (OWMPi)? (I like the WM in the name–can likely turn that zig zag into a resistor or water wave design (or both! 🙂



    This would be awesome! Do you need any development help?

    Project name suggestions: waterbug, poolspy, pooly,

    This would be great for fish tanks too.



    Are you still working on this project at all?

    Here is another idea that I think would be cool – put this in a waterproof case filled with solar electric cellsso that it would float on the pool surface and get powered by sunlight. Kind of like the Solar Breeze pool skimmer:



    I found this recently on Quirky: It appears to be moving through the development stages and the initial price point appears very reasonable (~$20)!



    What is the status of this pool chemistry project?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Using OSPI as a Pool Chemistry Monitor