OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions v1.4 Can't power the PI (Fixed?)


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  • #35573


    ok, here is my story. I purchased a OSPI to replace my existing system.

    I verified that the OS + Pi works fine on the desk and went about installing in my garage.

    I duplicated the wiring from my RainBird system so the station numbers should line up.

    I plugged in the power and there was no activity on the router so I took the case apart and the re-applied power.

    There was no green light. Oh, great. So a quick check with a multimeter shows that the fuse has blown.

    I cut out the fuse and put a fuse inline on the power cable (purchased with the OS + expansion).

    So I started back much slower.

    1: Just the OS – green light stays lit<br />
    2: OS + Pi – green light stays lit.<br />
    3: OS + Pi + expansion – green light stays lit.<br />
    4: Start plugging in the solenoids.<br />
    4a: plug in common – OK<br />
    4b: plug in master set – OK<br />
    4c: plug in expansion connections – light goes out.

    Hmm, I figured the blew the fuse. Check the fuse – it’s just fine.


    Back to trying stuff one at a time

    1: OS – ok<br />
    2: OS + Pi – green light for about 10 seconds then it goes out.

    So, does anyone know what can happen to the board to keep it from powering up just the PI?

    Nothing appears smoked on the board but I’m not sure what the next step here would be.

    All of the solenoids seem to be OK from a DC resistance point of view. I’ll go get a multimeter that does AC resistance and see if that shows me anything.

    The old system was working just fine and I’ll be putting it back while I wait for some feedback on troubleshooting suggestions.

    thx<br />



    Hmmm, I decided to see if the Pi was ok (standalone) and it won’t boot at all. The diode (D17) on the bottom gets hot to touch, very hot to touch.

    I think I have another Pi lying around that I’ll try while I try to figure out if something could have blown the Pi.



    Part 3

    I had a spare Pi (doesn’t everyone?) 🙂

    I powered up without the extender and everything seems ok with the 2nd Pi.

    Then I added the extender with no stations and still OK, finally I added each station one at a time and the device didn’t crash.

    No idea why my first Pi decided to fail, it was a very early model and I have another one on order just to have a spare.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions v1.4 Can't power the PI (Fixed?)