OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware watering percentage does not affect Program Preview?

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  • #35891


    Under Edit Options -> Weather Control I have selected Weather Adjustment Method: Manual, and have set the percentage to 100%. The Program Preview correctly displays my programs for future dates.

    Now, if I change the percentage to 50% (or 150%, or any other percentage) I see no change in program preview for future watering dates (i.e. the preview shows the programs running for 100% of programmed times). I thought I read that the Program Preview should reflect any adjustments to the watering percentage. ? I expected the run-times shown in preview to scale accordingly to the watering percentage. What am I missing?

    Firmware 2.1.2, web app version 1.3.0




    Did you set your sprinkler programs to ‘Use Weather Adjustment’? This option is off by default. The preview does account for the watering percentage parameter for the future (as long as the weather adjustment method is Manual. If the weather adjustment method is Zimmerman, it will use the calculated percentage for today but 100% for future days)



    Did you set your sprinkler programs to ‘Use Weather Adjustment’? This option is off by default.

    No, I missed that. That solved the problem. Thanks!

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware watering percentage does not affect Program Preview?