OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Way to retry from home screen?

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    Is there a way to cause retry from the home screen? As I’m working on my OSPi I find myself often in a situation where the mobile app gets network error (all my fault by the way.) I’d like to be able to cause the mobile app to retry – maybe by sliding down on the main page? As it is, I can select Current Status, then go back and it will retry.

    And by the way – I really, really like the mobile app. It is very impressive and works pretty much perfectly for me so far. Thanks a lot!!



    Thank you!

    As for the retry, I actually want to make all of the home page status items interactive. I was thinking of tapping them to toggle them. For network error, this would retry the connection. For manual mode and operation off, ask you to toggle it. For program running, take you to current status page.

    I also want/will fix a bug restoring the weather after a network error. Basically, if you manage to network error and then restore connection without the app dying….its kinda hard to get the weather to show back up. I am already working on this.

    I should have this out soon (of course the various stores have their approval lag time).

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Way to retry from home screen?