OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware What is the effect of Stop Operation

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    I used Stop Operation rather than rain delay because it wasn’t clear how long the rains might continue.
    After a few days, maybe a week? my logging software reported some activity, when there should not have been any. But there were some confusing factors, like a computer crash…
    The status still shows Operation is OFF, though.
    But I got to wondering whether the system tries to avoid disaster by watering after some time even if the system is “OFF”?
    Probably there’s some other explanation, but thought it worth asking.
    Tomorrow there’ll be a test, but after I’m away so not helpful.



    my logging software reported some activity,

    what logging software do you use? Also, do you know your OpenSprinkler’s firmware version? Prior to firmware 2.0.3, the controller does not save the operation status in EEPROM. Therefore if the controller restarted (for example, due to power outage), the operation will reset to ‘enabled’. From firmware 2.0.3, the operation status is stored in EEPROM, so it will preserved.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware What is the effect of Stop Operation