OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests where to sell used OpenSprinkler controller?

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  • #40050


    Hi, I’ve got an OpenSprinkler controller (v2.1) + expansion board that I’m not using any more and am trying to sell. No luck on craigslist, seems to be too niche. Anyone got ideas where I can list this for sale? Trying to avoid eBay if possible. Not trying to make any money, just trying to find someone who will use it.



    eBay is probably the best place. If you search on eBay, there were a couple of sales of OpenSprinkler.



    Did you ever end up selling yours? I’m looking to pick up a used one with an extension board.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests where to sell used OpenSprinkler controller?