OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Wi-Fi Outlet compatibility

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  • #78014

    Ryan Turnquist

    For those that use Opensprinkler to control wifi outlets, I was wondering what brands and commands have you found to work?

    I have tested and confirmed that Shelly wifi outlets do work using the ON command: relay/O?turn=on and the OFF command: relay/O?turn=off.

    Have anyone found other wifi outlets that work and can you provide the commands that you used?

    Side note: I have tested probably a dozen RF outlet brands and the only ones that I have found to be reliable are Etekcity ZAP outlets. They seem to be rarely in stock so I have found a source through AliExpress that look the same and work the same if anyone is interested.


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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Wi-Fi Outlet compatibility