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  • in reply to: PCA9555 issues with homebuilt OS Latch #67291


    The one thing I just realized I may have missed in the PCA9555 hookup is the INT line going to ESP8266 GPIO12, but I don’t see how that might cause this kind of intermittent issue. It’ll take me some time to put together a schematic (but the basic idea is ESP8266 with a PCA9555, with BPE/BVE controlling optoisolated relays to turn on the booster and discharge the capacitor over the output section, and the other output GPIOs, COM included, going to a pair of L293D ICs…I realize this isn’t specific enough). There is some slight possibility it is a wire connection issue that only occurs when a station is enabled/disabled, but that seems rather unlikely. Something may be drawing too much current from the PCA9555 during a station state change, but that doesn’t seem right either, and not sure that would cause this kind of problem. The fact that the bug is so intermittent makes it tricky to troubleshoot….

    in reply to: PCA9555 issues with homebuilt OS Latch #67290


    Hi Ray, thanks for the rapid response. Yeah, according to the datasheet, when the PCA9555 undergoes a power-on reset, all GPIO are set to input, which is what I think is happening. But I’m not sure why it is happening. I think, when the OS is rebooted, all the necessary PCA9555 initialization steps take place again, which is why it recovers.

    in reply to: Feature request – DC latching valve support #51632


    Hi, I’m trying to build a system that works with latching valves from scratch (using ESP8266, some PCF8574s, the RTC, SSD1306, and so on) that runs the OS firmware, and I was hoping to get a little more information about the current firmware (2.1.8) support for latching valves, and the anticipated hardware configuration that works with the firmware. It seems that the firmware detects whether the system is latching or some other config (DC/AC non latching) via the address of the PCF8574 driver board; I think I have that working given the “LA” displayed during startup. What I can’t seem to find is the code that describes how the firmware controls the hardware outputs when hw_type=HW_TYPE_LATCH (inside OpenSprinkler::apply_all_station_bits() ?) Will there be a hardware schematic available for the OS 3.0 Latch configuration?

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