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  • Jacques

    Ah, I see. That makes sense.

    I think all the problems are stemming from some bad WU database entries. When I go to the WU website and type Perth Oval, it comes up with ‘Perth Oval, Australia’, but when I click that it goes to this place.  Which is a little off.

    And when I use the pin icon on my phone (using GPS etc, so the correct location was found) the closest weather station appears to be Mount Lawley. But when I click on that pin what is entered in the field is just ‘icao:’ with no actual airport specified – so a bad database entry. After searching here I found that there is in fact a closer weather station – IWESTERN381, and this works as expected.

    So, my system is working fine now. Thanks a lot for your help!


    Thanks for the responses. I think there is some sort of bug, because just after I read this reply and went back into options, the Location field had the ‘locate’ button to the right instead of the pin icon (see attached). This is what I was remembering because when you click on the locate button it gives you a pick list. I did so, selecting Perth Oval, the field went teal indicating a valid choice. But once I saved it the sunrise/sunset went haywire again.

    Then, I went back to the options and the button to the right had changed back to the pin icon. So as you said I tried to use it to select a location but as I’m at work it couldn’t find the correct location. However, I now realised I could enter a station myself, and entered icao:YPPH, which is the nearest airport (there do not appear to be any close personal weather stations). And now the icon is back on the front page, and the sunrise/sunset times are correct.

    When I get home I might use the pin icon again to see if there are any weather stations nearer to my house.

    Thanks for your help.



    I only have one program at the moment, and have had a maximum of two when I was testing.

    The logging issue has gone now – I don’t know why, but I can now view logs fine all the way back to when I installed it.

    The weather issue still remains (i.e. the weather icon does not appear on the front page), but I recently noticed that the sunrise/sunset times were way off, so I changed what was in the Location option from ‘Perth Oval’ to ‘Perth’. No pick list popped up and the box is still grey rather than blue (which I believe indicates a recognised location?) – but the sunrise/sunset times immediately changed to the correct times, so that is working.

    I’m not sure why it changes the sunrsie/sunset times when I put in Perth Oval (which was an option in the pick list when it did work and is closer to my house), but they go to something very different.

    Perhaps I should just do a factory reset?


    Hi – I’m not sure if my problem is related to this issue, but it may be.

    I have recently installed the OpenSprinkler (fully assembled) which I had recently purchased so it has the latest firmware, v 2.1.1.

    Everything was working as of yesterday morning (though I had only had two full days of operation), but then I noticed two things:

    1. the weather stopped appearing on the front page – no picture or even an empty square, it just disappeared; and
    2. when I went to view logs, I get the ‘no entries found in the selected date range’ message, despite logs having worked fine up until then.

    In respect of the weather issue, if I go into ‘Edit Options’ and change my location it does not come up with a list of locations. Previously I would type Perth and then I could select from several locations. Now if I type anything, nothing happens (as shown in the attached screenshot).

    I’m not sure if they are related issues or not.

    Thanks for any help,


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