Forum Replies Created
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
That just gave me a wonderful idea! I will unify rain delay into a page and move the automatic setting into the page. That will address @oceanz37’s concern and allow me to add descriptions into what each setting does. Ill hopefully get this updated today.
I’ll be watching this space.
ZappParticipant‘Update available’
I like that!
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
@Zapp Sorry if that was too much. Basically, I am blaming the interval program for now. Just let me know if this problem is showing up in the interval program or only my web application. If it is both, then as you said, we should just hang tight until Dan or Ray push an update. Otherwise, I need to fix something 😛
Edit: This is what I posted on Dan’s post to describe the problem:
Looks like it’s in both so Dan or Ray has to do something to the github before I can continue with the testing.
ZappParticipantI’m not really sure of what’s going on here.
I just did a new download of Dan’s OSPi interval prg and it’s exactly the same ospi.tar.gz as I had before, checked with md5sum.
I’ll wait for Dan or Ray or whoever it is to do another update on the GitHub and see if that solves the problem.
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
@Zapp No problem! Just to give you my scenario, I have almost no wifi in my apartment currently, and my iPhone will spin for a while as well. With the new timeout you will at least be able to tell which end is stalling. If it still spins a lot you know it’s your connection between your phone and your Pi. If the weather just doesn’t load after 5 seconds (empty) then you know the Pi was having issues reaching Yahoo. This is because we capped the server at 5 seconds but did not set a timeout on the phone.
I don’t know if this still is valid but judging by the above it was my Pi having issues with Yahoo.
@salbahra wrote:
For future reference, you can find the version in the About page accessed from the side panel. Currently, Ray has v14 and the latest is v15.
On the About page where? I can’t see any version number…
I don’t know how this (XX:XX remaining) is calculated but it looks like it misbehaves when the rain delay is involved…
My P1 is scheduled to run all zones at 05:00:00, 15 min each. It’s now 15:25:03 and this is the screenshot.
I also think that ‘Last Run’ has some issues with ‘Time Zone’. Looks like it’s not taken into account at all. Mine is GMT +2:00 and the status page says 04:15:41 but it should have been 06:15:41. The Logs page have the correct time!
ZappParticipantThanks, I’ll try the update with the timeout.
I’m starting to think it’s my wifi that acts up here. I’ll do some more testing. For what I can see on my laptop an F5 on the xml page is more or less instant, but my laptop is also on wifi… 🙄
I’ll conect my Pi to the netwok with cable and try it out too.
Report on this might take some time since I’m about to go to a birthdayparty NOW!
ZappParticipantFirst of a screnshot of the location based temp unit working.
I know, the picture is huge but I don’t know how to make it smaler here in the forum. 😕
Second, about the freeze. The menus does not respond either at the time when ‘Weather Loading…’, but no weather, is showing. If I try pressing a meny I just get the wheel turning in the middle of the screen and a minute of so later it will continue.
Sorry I can’t be more specific about it but I have a feeling that it started just after I read your post on AJAX and I did a new pull after that to get that in my system also.
EDIT: Here we go, got the problem again.
I think I now know how to make images smaller… 😛
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
@Zapp I actually have done something like that before but since then I have quit instant messaging completely and stopped caring about things like that. The good news is I am actually in talks with Ray to *MAYBE* bring an XMPP protocol to the OpenSprinkler which would open all of the doors your discussing now. Since that would allow alerts to be pushed out it would just be the web app’s coding that would be left. I know Apple has Safari push notifications now that work even if the browser is closed, for web apps. This is an exciting time and hopefully all this tech comes together correctly to allow us notifications without relying on MSN/AIM.Jaiks. I’m so excited I probably can’t sleep tonight either… 😆
XMPP is also ok. This would be great…
I started to get some issues with the last git pull I did. I often get ‘Loading Weather…’, but no weather, and the webapp sort of freezes. Give it a minute or two and it starts to respond again… I don’t know why, just wanted to give you a heads up.
I’ll do another pull now to have a look at the unit changes based on location.
ZappParticipantThings that keeps me awake at night…
Well, having a hard time to sleep I’ve got lots of time to think and last night I merged my PVR system with OSPi. Just in my mind that is! 😆
I’m running a PVR system called MediaPortal with a TV server called ARGUS TV. To make a long story short(er)… ARGUS has the ability to connect to MSN/Skype and you can chat with the system…
ARGUS has it’s own MSN/Skype account and I have it added to my contacts. Whenever a TV recording starts or ends it will text me via MSN/Skype. I can also ask about ‘status’ and it will return the next few upcoming recordings and the current state of the system like if someone is watching live TV or a recording is active. I can also schedule new recordings through this MSN/Skype chat.
Now, merge the above with OSPi and you’ll probably find it to be quite similar in many respects.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could chat with your OSPi, get info when a program is starting or ending and be able to create new programs?It’s a thought anyway… It’s been almost 20 years since I wrote some code 😯 but I might do something about that, maybe… If anyone else is up for the challange, feel free.
To get a better idea of what you can do, here is a ‘List of commands:’ from ARGUS on MSN/Skype:
List of commands:
● ?,status
● al,alerts [ on | off ]
● ca,cancel
● del,delete schedule
● h,help
● m,more
● not,notifications [ on | off ]
● r,record{ o,once | d,daily | w,weekly | wd,workingdays | we,weekends | a,anytime } [ new | all ]
(default is all episodes)
● s,search| (start with to search for numbers, e.g. 's 24')
● ch,show channels
● gr,show groups
● g,show guide[day-number]
● up,show upcoming { r,recordings | a,alerts | s,suggestions }
● tv,television | radio
● un,uncancelEDIT: Looks like there at least is a Python msn lib to use :hint:
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
I just pushed an update…
😮 At this rate of updates I’d better put this in my crontab:
0 * * * * cd /OpenSprinklerPi/webapp; git pull
Thanks aging for all you efforts. It’s really coming together and starting to look very nice. In fact I have already decided that this webapp will be my primary tool to control OSPi.
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
Edit: I pushed an update now to change the format of the log times, it is now exactly like the status page without the seconds.
Yepp, much better. I like!
ZappParticipant@salbahra wrote:
Thank you @Zapp for your feedback. I am going to try and address some of your requests:
1) I don’t think the user needs to know what the WOEID is because this is unique to Yahoo! and honestly gibberish otherwise. I do think it would be nice to verify the location however historically this was only passed to the OpenSprinkler. Since I use it for weather now, it would be nice to verify it and I will look into that.
2) Originally, when I designed the auto-delay’s I intended to add current weather page but then decided most people have weather app’s that will be far better then anything I can design. So I canceled that idea. But, what you are suggesting is a nice idea. I plan on adding this at this point, to show the weather where the current tip information is. The tips don’t really show much information so I will just replace the tips with the weather removing the need to disable tips. By the way, Yahoo reports the weather in Fahrenheit, at least using the API link I am using. I suppose I could have javascript convert the number to Celsius but I would have to add an option for that, which we will see about.
3) The dates, especially the logs, were picked on purpose. I needed the most compact date so on the iPhone the whole log line would only take one line of space. To be honest with you I don’t want to make the time format configurable, at least not any time soon. With that said, I have no problem changing the default method to something more people would enjoy. If that is 24 hour time format, let me know and I will make the change. I can’t use the status page’s method because it is too large.
Thank you!
Edit: I pushed an update that shows the weather information (including an image of the current type of weather). This replaces the tips section on the top of the main page. I also cache the WOEID now to prevent the extra HTTP request each time (since the lookup will be frequent). The lookup is done via AJAX so it should not slow down initial page load, waiting for the weather data from Yahoo. I also parse the location from Yahoo and display it, this can be used as a validation for now. I think this addresses points 1 and 2 and leaves point 3 which I am still trying to decide how to address.
Also, the temperature is in Fahrenheit right now but I think I will address the locale issues altogether (time format and measurement units).
The below screenshot shows the new weather as well as the redesigned home menu. Look forward to your feedback!
Wow! First I have to give you credit for listening and being so helpful. I didn’t actually believe in getting any of my requests fullfilled… This is like early Christmas…
1. Great, have yet to test the new version, will do that soon.
2. Image looks great, will have a look after this reply.
3. Time format and units in configuration would be fantastic and yes, I do like 24h time format.
I can also confirm that the rain delay is working. We have had rain here and the delay is active in my setup right now. 😀
EDIT: Looks perfect (except for my current weather, it could have been better…). Attached a screenshot…
EDIT 2: I have no idea of where my screenshot went! I’ll try again
EDIT 3: I totally suck on getting this screenshot to stick. How do you make it happen? I try Upload attachment but nothing happens… Better as in like sunshine 😆
EDIT 4: Last try then.
ZappParticipantOk, some feedback (feature requests).
It would be great to have some GUI feedback on that the location entered in settings actually can be looked up. Best of all would be if the resulting WOEID could be displayed somewhere in the webapp. Could be a green check mark next to location setting and the WOEID printed out there too.
How about having the latest received current weather condition, with icon, temperature and time acquired, displayed somewhere in the webapp?
Maybe where the tip section is today would be a great place to have current weather data. BTW, please let us toggle the tip section in settings.
Is there a way to reformat the date based on the local browser locale? I’m from Sweden and I really don’t like the way it’s presented right now. It’s sort of ok in Device Time (Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:20:44), not perfect but ok, but the Logs section (Thu, 6/27/2013 5:15 AM) is not. I’m ok with running the webapp in en or us-en, in fact i prefer that, but the short date format and AM/PM times are not easy on my eyes.
EDIT: Right, to complicate things even more we use Celsius here… 😉
ZappParticipantOne more thing!
I can’t work out what ‘rs’ is in sd.json. Do you know?
Looks like we have a typo in main.php on line 64:
aray -> array/Jonas…
ZappParticipantHave you tried it as a one liner in rc.local?
host=$(hostname -I | sed 's/ *$//g');port=:80;cd /var/www/opensprinkler/;python $host$port
Also try setting the full path to ‘python’ like ‘/usr/local/bin/python’ <- check that path on your device. I don't have an OSPI!
BTW: Why not skip the ‘cd …’ part and use full paths all the way to minimize any errors?
host=$(hostname -I | sed 's/ *$//g');port=:80;/
/ /python /var/www/opensprinkler/ $host$port /Jonas…