Pricing: all prices shown on this website are in US dollars (USD).

Shipping: For Domestic orders within the United States, we offer two options. The recommended options is Flat-Rate Shipping by United States Post Office (USPS), the delivery time is typically 2~5 days after shipping. If your delivery address is not served by the post office, please leave a message/note when you place the order to specify the carrier you prefer.

If you need expedite shipping, we offer UPS overnight, but your order must be placed by 3pm Eastern time to be shipped the same day, otherwise it will be shipped the next day. There is NO Saturday delivery, so orders placed after 3pm Thursday will arrive the following week. We make our best effort to ship as quickly as possible, but due to various constraints, there is no guarantee that it will arrive the next day, particularly in severe weather conditions.

For International customers: we provide first-class mail package as well as Express shipping options. First-class is the cheapest but it’s not trackable and not insured. Express is carried out by Fedex or UPS, it is faster, trackable and insured. Note that we are NOT responsible for customs duty tax payment, which varies from country to country. All Express shipping options are subject to duty tax payment, particularly in European countries.

Despite duty tax payment, we strongly recommend the Express option, as it’s trackable and insured, and delivery is usually within 4 to 8 days. If you choose First-Class mail package shipping method: the package is NOT trackable and we are NOT responsible for package loss (it’s rare but does happen!). Sometimes first-class packages can take a long time to clear customs at your country. Delivery time varies by country, but 4-8 WEEKS are typical, and 10~20 WEEKS are also seen in rare cases.

Liability: We are NOT responsible for damage or accidents caused by using the controller in unspecified conditions, such as using an out-of-spec transformer, power surge, incorrect wiring, leaving the product in an unprotected environment, or damage due to lightning, flood. In addition, we are NOT responsible for any damage or accident caused by software error, program error, or the use of third-party software.

Level of Support: we provide support through our support website, email, or forum. We do NOT provide phone support or online chat. Our support website is: There are tutorial videos and support articles that you should check first as they document some of the most common issues. We check support tickets on a regular basis and will respond as quickly as we can. For mission critical applications, we recommend you to prepare a backup plan or purchase additional controllers so that in case of a unit failure you have a replacement right away.

Warranty/Return/Order Cancellation: unless specified otherwise, all our products can be returned for refund only within 30 days of purchase, and carry a 1-year warranty of free repair / replacement at no cost to the customers. Beyond one year, products can generally still be repaired at a nominal fee, depending on the level of difficulty of the repair work. Please note that any return for refund is subject to 5% processing / restocking fee, and shipping charge is non-refundable.

Cancelled orders (even if they haven’t been shipped) are subject to 3% credit card processing fee — this is because credit payment gateways do not refund processing fees even if the transaction is cancelled.

Information about our products (including, but not limited to, source code, specifications, assembly instructions, FAQs, forums) is published as is, without implied warranty. We are NOT responsible for any malfunction resulting from ambiguities or error in this content.