OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Solved: No rain in the current weather


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    I use the opensprinkler in Austria. The current weather dont Display the rain.
    Is this a bug?



    All of our weather data is provided by Weather Underground (if you provided an API key) or Yahoo weather otherwise. Therefore, if the data is incorrect on their end, it will also show up incorrectly in the app. So answering your question, this is not a bug however I would try to find a more accurate weather station nearby if you are using Weather Underground. To do so, you may use the button next to the location input box that has the marker icon. This will show a map overlay with all weather stations in your area.




    I use wunderground. Now i select an nather Station near my Position. And it works.

    Thanks for the Tip!



    So… i find a good solution for the problem

    my currend weather conditions always says 0mm or just “Precip: — mm”.

    So i checkt the weater api from wunderground. The api send this data to my:

    hmmm. thats not what i want. I think the the weatherstation has no precip sensor. But how to find a weatherstation with this sensor. So i go -> personal weather stations -> Select in the weatherstation setting (small gear) the precip. No go to your location and find a weatherstation how display 0 or more precip. In my area are a lot of stations how display — precip.
    Select the station and write the Station ID in your opensprinkler pws:STATION_ID.

    have an nice day.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App Solved: No rain in the current weather