Hello everyone,
I’m trying to use the free GPIO pins on the OSPi board to detect if a door is open or closed, via a hardware switch connected directly, and using node-red on the Raspberry Pi to send a notification to my phone. The software implementation works flawlessly if I use only the Raspberry Pi board (even with OpenSprinkler firmmware running), but if I connect the OSPi board then the interrupt detection doesn’t work anymore. If I restart the flow in node-red the state of the pin is read correctly, but after that the software doesn’t receive the updates anymore. I tried this also with a custom script in python, and also with different Rasperry Pi boards, but I always have the same problem. I’m thinking that this problem can be related to the OSPi board, but I really don’t understand the reason, because the free GPIO pins should be connected directly through the board.
Any ideas about this problem?