OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Interrupt detection not working

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    Hello everyone,
    I’m trying to use the free GPIO pins on the OSPi board to detect if a door is open or closed, via a hardware switch connected directly, and using node-red on the Raspberry Pi to send a notification to my phone. The software implementation works flawlessly if I use only the Raspberry Pi board (even with OpenSprinkler firmmware running), but if I connect the OSPi board then the interrupt detection doesn’t work anymore. If I restart the flow in node-red the state of the pin is read correctly, but after that the software doesn’t receive the updates anymore. I tried this also with a custom script in python, and also with different Rasperry Pi boards, but I always have the same problem. I’m thinking that this problem can be related to the OSPi board, but I really don’t understand the reason, because the free GPIO pins should be connected directly through the board.
    Any ideas about this problem?



    Which GPIO pins are you using for interrupt?



    Hi Ray,

    sorry for the late reply, I thought I vas subscribed to the thread updates but I was wrong.

    I’m using one of the free GPIO, one of the white ones in the attached image.
    Do you think this could be the problem?

    Thanks again




    I can’t think of any particular reason — as long as it’s a pin unused by OSPi, it really shouldn’t matter because those pins are not connected to anything on OSPi. Just to make sure this is not a power-related issue: when testing, did you power the board with 24VAC or with a microUSB cable plugged into RPi?

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OpenSprinkler Forums Hardware Questions OpenSprinkler Pi (OSPi) Interrupt detection not working