OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Flow Meter Logging


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    Hi Ray, I’ve setup a flow meter which is working well (G 2″ inch Water Flow Flowmeter Counter Hall Sensor Switch Meter 10-200L/min AliExpress Link – Flow Rate is 0.09 Litres per pulse for anyone purchasing the same)

    What I found, is the OpenSprinkler logs only shows the total water used for the whole program that has run.
    Is it possible for the individual totals of water for each station to be displayed in the logs? IE. an extra column added so the Logs read – | Runtime | Time | Station | Water Used |

    Having this granular level of detail will allow the troubleshooting of individual zones which might not be running (Stuck solenoid), or have a water leak and are using more water than usual.




    I will check — I think the main reason it’s done at program level is this: since multiple zones are allowed to run simultaneously, it’s generally not possible to extract the flow rate for each zone individually. In many cases, probably only one zone is running at any given time, but in the general case if zones can turn on at any arbitrary time and multiple zones can run together, it’s not possible to extract the flow data for individual zones.

    We generally test the UI with Chrome and Firefox — we’ve stopped testing it with IE, because IE often lags behind on modern browser standard, making it fully compatible with IE would require us to spend more time to fix things that otherwise work perfectly in other browsers.



    Thanks Ray, fair point about the multiple stations, but like you said, I don’t think this is used all that often.

    I miss typed IE above, was supposed to be I.E (Example). I do however agree with the Internet Explorer statement, we find chrome works 100% with open sprinkler, Internet Explorer is a bit hit and miss, well more miss.

    Maybe if multiple station (Non Sequential) run maybe it could just display the total, but if all stations are Sequential it could then have a 4th column with water used per zone?




    Yes, we will think about what’s the best way to handle this, and perhaps have some way to attach the flow meter data to each station record when a zone finishes running.



    would you be so kind and explain how you connected the flow sensor and how you set it up in OS?



    Insert the two wires of the flow sensor to OpenSprinkler’s sensor port. Then in the OpenSprinkler web interface, go to Edit Options -> Weather and Sensors, and configure the sensor to be ‘Flow Sensor’



    Thanks Ray. The flow sensor requires 5V. I run an OpenSprinkle Pi, so just wired this to the 5V output on the board. I’ll get the wiring colours soon and post up some more details.

    I found the setting the “Flow Pulse Rate” to 0.09 is very close to be 100% accurate.



    Thanks Tim…. I have the same meter and would like to set this up…..



    If your flow meter has three wires and is powered by 5V, then the three wires must be +5V, GND, and data (typical colors are red for +5V, black for GND, and some other color like brown for data).

    On the rain sensor port, the right port is GND, the left port is DATA, and +5V is not mapped out (except on OpenSprinkler v3.0 which exposes +5V through terminal block). So you have to solder a wire onto the circuit to the VIN (which is +5V) pin.



    What’s the status of per-station flow statistics? I need to know if a particular station has a broken line and is using too much water.



    If this is just for diagnosis purpose, you can turn on each zone manually and check the real-time flow rate. We haven’t quite figured out what’s the best way to handle per-station flow statistics when multiple zones run at the same time.



    Doesn’t OpenSprinkler already log station level flow rates?

    According to the API document, the “jl” command returns the logs

    An example return record:

    – program ID
    – Station ID
    – dur in seconds
    – end time
    **- If a flow sensor is enabled, it also returns the flow rate during the station run. (convert using meter pulse rate per unit of measure)***

    So as long as there is only one station running, can’t this flow rate number be used for alerting to broken sprinkler heads?

    It would be great if this flow rate was shown in the logs within the UI and a calculated usage per station. Flow Rate * Duration.



    @bena: actually you are right, it does log the flow rate for each station when it finishes running. You are right that it’s currently only in the log data, but not shown in the web UI. We should definitely add that.



    Also, it would be helpful to be able to store a flow rate threshold in each station config. Then, when a station run completes, OpenSprinkler could compare the current flow rate to the station flow threshold and send an event to IFTTT for email\text alerting.

    Or if you don’t want to do the comparison in OpenSprinkler, just include the station flow rate threshold within the existing Station Run Event that can be sent to IFTTT. Then maybe IFTTT can be configured to do the comparison?

    Here is what is currently sent to IFTTT for a Station Run Event and used for email alerts, so it already has the flow rate.

    > From: Webhooks via IFTTT <[email protected]>
    > To: User
    > Date: October 15, 2017 at 1:39 PM
    > Subject: “sprinkler”
    > sprinkler
    > October 15, 2017 at 01:39PM
    > Station 01. Front Yard closed. It ran for 10 minutes 0 seconds.
    > Flow rate: 6.51



    In commercial irrigation timers this feature is called “learn flow” it is ran once when the system is free of breaks and dialed in, values are stored in a per station basis and used as a starting point then a % treshold is set because we wont get the exact seme result every time we run the system. I have also been waiting and requesting this feature for a very long time. This would be the only way to go to the next step where notifications can be set for no flow, low flow, high flow, if no stations are running and there is flow then it would be a broken main line and an action can be taken if a master valve is installed kike shutting the water off of save tons of water.



    The ability to read current on a OSPi wold also make for a great tool for troubleshooting.



    I was wondering if multiple flow sensors could be wired in a parallel circuit would work providing there was no simultaneous zones running could the OS would read?



    @951calguy: current reading is planned for future OSPi hardware. The current OSPi board does not have current sensor circuitry. The plan for next version of OSPi is to go with unified hardware, where it essentially uses the same hardware as OS3.0 except its ‘brain’ is RPi and not ESP8266. So it will have everything that OS3.0 has, including OLED, buttons, and current sensing.

    : connecting multiple flow sensors in parallel is unlikely to work. Here is the reason: flow sensors generally produce pulsing signals — it’s basically a switch that toggles between on and off, and the frequency depends on how fast water flows. If one sensor stopped at a ‘open switch’ position it’s ok, but if one of them stopped at a ‘closed switch’ position, it will override signals from other sensors. It’s less of a problem if the ‘closed switch’ position is relatively short but it really depends on each specific flow sensor.



    I can’t wait for the next OSPi, once the display,flow, current sensing are integrated it will be a good controller even for light commercial applications.



    I still can’t see the watering volume on the web UI, only once for each day.
    Or do I miss any option?



    This would be great!



    I found out that you can see it only in timeline log.
    You need to program each tap in saperated program. Then you have to expand the time axis, and you can see it on bottum row.
    Not very easy. it was better to have one more column on the table log, but this is the only way I found.



    Hi Ray, is there any update on adding flow rate to the UI logs?

    Also how are people triggering IFTTT alerts? e.g. for low flow rate alerts?



    The flow value is already logged. Perhaps you mean a different way of logging the flow rate — note that currently it’s only logged when a zone runs. If no zone is running, it doesn’t log flow rate, for the simple reason that it would generate a large amount of log data.



    Hi Ray,
    Please update on addition of consumed water per station. When do you think it will be released ?

    Other question – can a program work according to defined consumed water rather than a timer ?
    Reason I ask for this feature is b/c water pressure in my place changes is not so constant.


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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Flow Meter Logging