Hi Everyone!
I am using fw 2.1.7 and recently added a 3-wire flow meter FS400A (similar to this http://www.ebay.com/itm/G1-Inch-Water-Flow-Hall-Effect-Sensor-Switch-Flow-Meter-Counter-1-60L-min-/311679841748). I am receiving what seems like valid data (i.e. no valves open=0, with valves open > 0) but having trouble calibrating the measurements from the flow meter. Needless to say – I could not find any information on the meter itself except this:
“Frequency: F=4.8 * Q (L / Min) error: ± 2% voltage: 3.5-24VDC, current can not exceed 10mA, 450 output pulses/liters” which by itself makes no sense?
I have a digital water meter and it shows litters/minute so I am using it as reference.
I am seeing 13 l/m on the mains meter and 538 in the flcrt variable; but opening another valve I see 22 l/m on the mains meter and 499 ticks on the flcrt. Is it a configuration error on my part or is there something (hardware) malfunctioning somewhere? any suggestions on how I can check this?