OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Using daily published ET data instead of Weather Underground?

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    The local university publishes daily ET data, including lawn watering requirements.

    The data is available at this site: Phoenix Area Turf Water Use Report

    How would I go about setting up OpenSprinkler to use this data instead of the Weather Underground data?



    You will have to modify the firmware code to use custom weather data. You can start looking at weather.cpp:
    this is where the firmware sends weather requests and get back results. The “scale” parameter, in particular, carries the watering percentage. You can write a python script that retrieves the daily ET data, calculates the watering percentage, and modify weather.cpp to call that script instead of the default weather script on opensprinkler server.



    Thanks Ray, I will give that a try. I have the OpenSprinkler 3.0, should I modify the Unified firmware, or is there a specific firmware and weather.cpp for the OS3.0?



    It’s unified firmware — the same firmware is compiled for all opensprinkler hardwares.

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OpenSprinkler Forums Comments, Suggestions, Requests Using daily published ET data instead of Weather Underground?