OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Free Weather Underground API keys for PWS non-commercial users Reply To: Free Weather Underground API keys for PWS non-commercial users



Honestly Weather Underground has gone down for too long for most customers with no recourse plan. Unfortunately, this left us focusing on OpenWeatherMaps as an alternative. We are going to be focusing our efforts there and no longer going to be accepting a Weather Underground API key from the app nor using it in the Weather API side.

We have also dropped Yahoo weather service in the app as the API is also gone. We added an endpoint to our API to grab the weather data from OWM and provide it for the app.

The weather API is written in JS/node and is easy to contribute to if anyone would like to add in support for this new weather API however I do not think we will be putting the effort to adopt this new API, especially when I do not own a PWS and won’t have a key to test off of.