OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App First run – getting {“result”:32}

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  • #65999


    Brand new install on RPi Zero WH. I followed the instructions here:

    Everything on the RPI Linux is updated and upgraded. When I go to http://localhost:8080, I get the Open Sprinkler enter device password page, but when I enter “opendoor” as the password, I am greeted with the {“result”:32} error. Based on other posts, I gathered this is usually the result of something else using the 8080 port, but I don’t think I have anything else running. I have tried it both connected directly with mouse, keyboard, and monitor to the RPi and connected to wifi and using VNC to access the RPi from my Windows and Mac PC (tried both). I have rebooted the RPi as well.

    The url after entering the password and showing the error is http://localhost:8080/?os_pw=opendoor

    exact same thing happens if I try the local IP, I get the error at

    As I mentioned, this is the very first time running it, so I have not gotten past this screen.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



    Were you able to fix this?
    I have the same result, but I am suspecting about my device, since I am trying to access from an old Coby tablet.




    I did get it working and it has worked well since then, but I can’t remember what I did to get it to work.

    It may have been the auto-updater in the OS, but I am not certain. If you are trying to connect right after booting, perhaps wait a bit. If you can connect directly to the RPi – turn off any auto-updates.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Mobile and Web App First run – getting {“result”:32}