OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware API documentation error for “cp” (change program) command

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  • #74363

    Bob Stern

    This error exists in the documentation for both 2.1.9 and 2.2.0 draft.

    In section 15, the cp command should not include the uwt parameter. It is redundant with flag bit 1.

    More seriously, if the uwt parameter is included, it can cause the cp command to be ignored if its value is the same as the existing setting for the program. When it is ignored for this reason, the cp command still returns result=1, so you have no way of knowing that it was ignored.

    I spent a few hours troubleshooting this until I discovered the problem.



    The ‘uwt’ parameter is included intentionally — some users use external script to change this bit so wanted a way to directly modify it without having to pass in the entire program parameters. So ‘uwt’ and ‘en’ are provided to directly change these bits without having to pass in the rest of the program data.

    You are right that if either of these parameters are present, the rest of the program data is ignored. I will clarify it in the document.

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OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware API documentation error for “cp” (change program) command