OpenSprinkler Forums OpenSprinkler Unified Firmware Trouble with Zimmerman Method Reply To: Trouble with Zimmerman Method



Hi Sameer,

Problem is back… I tried a few stations again and I am unable to run weather diagnostics.

In fact it is now stuck on IGAUTENG149, regardless of which other ones I try select. When I submit the new station and then go back to the options it still displays the name of IGAUTNEG149.

After a few attempts at a station change and back to IGAUTENG149 I can get a successful weather call.

Yesterday when I was on IGAUTENG139, and although it worked I noticed that the last successful weather call was a few hours behind the actual time. so if I checked at 1pm the last successful weather call may have occurred between 11am and 12pm, and the last weather call between 12pm and 1pm. both at different times.